Game info: Sega Retro
Listening: YouTube, emulated audio
Sound: XOR (real name: Tadahiko Inoue)
I’m still thinking about XOR, so let’s listen to the confirmed XOR soundtracks. MegaMind is a Mastermind clone that was only available from SEGA’s Genesis game download service, SEGA Game Library. It’s a short soundtrack, as you might expect from a game you had to download via a modem onto a cart in 1991, but it’s very cool: beautiful, minimalist tunes with interesting sound programming. Quite captivating stuff, when I put it on I have a tendency to get lost in just flipping back and forth between a few tracks for a long time.
Recommended tracks:
“BGM 1” plays an ascending figure at a few different tempos during the piece and the slowest one hits really hard
“BGM 2” has a bunch of cool, choppy sounds
(track titles are unofficial)
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