Game info: Wikipedia
Listening: soundtrack album (with music info), YouTube (incomplete), PSF set (missing movie BGM)
Revisited this one for the first time in quite a while due to it being a contemporaneous work by Ochiai with Planet Laika, and it’s better than I remember! Some strong contributions from all four composers. Leans pretty heavily on mallet percussion and glassy synths for that authentic ’90s fantasy JRPG flavor, which is cool because both of those are great.
The soundtrack release is missing a bit over 20 tracks from the game. The CD has all of what I’d consider the highlights so I don’t think tracking down the PSF set is super vital, but there are a few cool unreleased tracks there too, like PACK_TIT_0001 and PACK22_0000.
Recommended tracks:
“Land of the Skies ~ World of the Setting Sun (Opening)” (Tanaka) is one of the six live performed cutscene tracks that are all pretty nice
“Shrine (Inside Kilia Shrine)” (Ochiai) basically confirms to me that BGM004 from Planet Laika is also hers
“Frozen Corridor – Underground Cemetery” (Takaoka) is reminiscent of “Corridors of Time” from Chrono Trigger
“Last Boss Battle” (Hikichi) is part of a genre of “sparse music that hammers a bass note while chaotic stuff occasionally happens on top” boss themes that always makes me think of “The Augurs of Spring” from The Rite of Spring, especially with the weird meter stuff that happens in the second half
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