Game info: Nintendo
Listening: YouTube, extracted audio
Lead Sound: Yuuta Ogasawara
Sound: Jun Ishikawa, Shogo Sakai, Hirokazu Ando, Megumi Ohara, Yuki Shimooka
We interrupt your regularly scheduled Trussonic posts with the latest Kirby soundtrack, which I’m always going to listen to without exception. In a somewhat surprising twist, all six active composers at HAL contributed at least one new piece to the soundtrack, which is a lot for any game in the series, let alone one of the side games.
As a side game, most of the tracks here arrangements of pieces from previous games or just directly reused from previous games, though most of the menu and main race music are original music. There’s a lot of brass, and probably more ska than you’re expecting. Kind of a mixed bag for me, which is generally what I think of all Kirby soundtracks that aren’t by Ishikawa and Ando only, but there are plenty of good tracks.
Recommended tracks:
“Cute, Colorful Candies” (Ishikawa) has some classic Ishikawa chord changes and leads/melodies, and the 1:29 break is pretty cool
“Working Up an Appetite” (Shimooka) has a pretty spicy section at 0:36, and also has a cool break right before the loop
“Love, Love, Alivel” (Ando) is an arrangement of his track “A Trip to Alivel Mall” from Kirby and the Forgotten Land, with a bit of ska flavor because I couldn’t just tease that and not actually link any examples
“Revenge of Steel Wings” (Ando) is yet another jazz cover of Isihkawa’s Halberd music from Kirby Super Star, but you know what? Those tracks own, and Ando owns, so I’m gonna post it
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