Museum Madness (PC, 1994)

Game info: Wikipedia
Listening: YouTube (OPL2, Mac instruments)


Music: Attila Dobos, András Magyari


I get the urge to replay this random edutainment game from my childhood every few years, and it happens to have been a few years since the last time, so guess what I’ve been doing the last couple of days! The Mac version of the soundtrack is the one I’m intimately familiar with, but I’ve been replaying the DOS version because the mouse emulation is better, so I’ve been listening to the music in FM Sound Blaster audio, and I do like me some FM.

The museum is divided into five halls by general subject, each of which has a broad flavor of music: the Hall of Technology has electronic, dancier tunes, while the Hall of American History has some old American songs, and so on. A mishmash of random genres depending on whatever topic is being covered is an important aesthetic in an edutainment game soundtrack. The music’s not super remarkable, though a kind of funny connection is that this was made by the same developer as the Ecco the Dolphin games (Novotrade) and both of these composers also wrote music for that, so a couple of the tracks sound like they could conceivably fit into that series.

Recommended tracks:

(track titles are unofficial)

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