Neugier: Umi to Kaze no Koudou (SNES, 1993)

→ Soundtrack released

Game info: Wikipedia, HG101
Listening: soundtrack album, YouTube, emulated audio


Music Produce: Yukihiro Takahashi
Sound Programmer: Hiroya Hatsushiba
Sound Effect: Motoi Sakuraba, Shinji Tamura, Ryota Furuya


So Yukihiro Takahashi died last week, which extremely fucking sucks. It extremely fucking sucks a lot. Extremely influential musician on a lot of stuff I listen to because of his work with Yellow Magic Orchestra, but he’s had a long career of work with other groups and solo material. Among which are some video games!

Neugier is some kind of action RPG with music that mostly sounds like some kind of action RPG, but it’s kinda funny that in a number of piece you can hear bits of Takahashi/YMO coming through, either in the synth samples or some parts of the composition evoking synthpop tracks. Some tracks are also kinda… weird, in the way they progress (“Wrath of the Sea”) or are dissonant (“All for a Greater Purpose”).

Recommended tracks:

  • Duke” sounds like a YMO song but with RPG instrumentation

  • Three magic circles” sounds like a YMO song but with YMO instrumentation

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