Update: Neugier soundtrack released


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So chaotic Japanese game music label CASSETRON, whose publishing strategy seems to be “we throw a dart at a list of old console games and then see if we can get the rights to whatever we hit,” just released a CD soundtrack to Neugier today, and in a very surprising turn of events also put it up on Bandcamp. With official English titles! Which were probably DeepL translated, but—

CASSETRON puts some real effort into their CD releases, and the booklet has an interview with Motoi Sakuraba, who goes into a little further detail about what the Wolf Team sound team did, with the caveat that the game is 30 years old so he might be misremembering some things. He said that all three of the people credited with sound effects also converted the music sequence data received from Takahashi (presumably MIDIs) for in-game use, that Hatsushiba was responsible for the SNES instrumentation of the music and sound effects, and that he also worked on some of the music instrumentation while having a general supervising role over the sampling and conversion. Pretty standard details, I think.

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