Game info: Website (Japanese)
Listening: Bandcamp, BOOTH
A fun li’l FM soundtrack to a mobile top-down shooting game by a composer I haven’t heard anything else by. Very “video game music” video game music with big cheesy melodies, jazzy licks, funky basslines, FM geetar solos, and nice chord changes, all the staples you could ask for.
Some cuts were apparently made to the in-game versions of the tracks for capacity reasons, removing solos and such, and the music on this album are the original versions of the tracks. There are also two bonus arrangements which are basically just “grade-up versions” that don’t use FM instruments.
Recommended tracks:
“Liquid Onyx (stage4)” goes full steam ahead on chords for the first thirty seconds
“Cursed Arm (boss B)” reminds me a little of Yuzo Koshiro’s music for Etrian Odyssey
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