IGPX: Immortal Grand Prix (PS2, 2006)

Game info: HG101
Listening: YouTube, extracted audio


Sound Effects: Toshiaki Sakoda, Shigeki Hayashi
Music Composers: Yasushi Asada, Mitsuhiro Kaneda (Basiscape), Ken-ichi Koyano, Kimihiro Abe (Basiscape), Masaharu Iwata (Basiscape)


Today’s 100% random music selection is some PS2 racing game based on an anime I’ve never heard of, composed by Basiscape and friends. The music here is largely pretty standard stuff in that “futuristic racing game means it has an EDM, occasionally jungly soundtrack” mold; if you’ve played Wipeout or F-Zero GX or something like that then you know vaguely what to expect.

The game has a lot of short tracks (we’re talking 30 seconds here), and I think the soundtrack mostly isn’t particularly remarkable given how much I love most of these composers’ work elsewhere, but the sound is pleasant overall and there are some nice chords and synth riffs here and there to keep things entertaining.

Recommended tracks:

  • Options” is almost overstimulating in how much random stuff is going on at any one time

  • Mountain – Rain” has several syncopated riffs going on that obscure the rhythm for me (it’s just 4/4)

  • City – Day” starts off wet and shuffly before busting out the Feel-Good Chords in the second half that make me rise out of my chair

  • Credits” is the most stereotypically “Basiscape/Raizing video game music” song of the bunch

(track titles are unofficial)

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