Anonymous asked:
Hi I’ve seen your review of the prince of stride soundtrack, could you link the playlist to the soundtrack? The videos are private but I really want to listen to it!
If a sample I feature is an unlisted video, it’s because that soundtrack is not easily findable on YouTube/Bandcamp/etc. and some mysterious person by complete coincidence happened to upload exactly the tracks I wanted to post and no others. That’s the case with the PRINCE OF STRIDE soundtrack; I unfortunately don’t have a secret playlist with the rest of the music. Sorry!
There are rips of the three soundtrack volumes floating around out there, so perhaps someone with a functional internet connection (my friends would refer to my upload speed as “comically unusable”) will get to putting the game’s soundtrack on YouTube in far less time than it would take me to do so. I did find a channel with a handful of other tracks uploaded with made-up titles: https://www.youtube.com/@hatsuseno/search?query=stride
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