Game info: Wikipedia
Listening: soundtrack album (tracks 1~7), extracted audio
BGM: Takashi Yoshida, Ayako Toyoda, Yuki Matsumura
Theme songs: Yukitaka Kanetsuki, Yuichi Murata, INTETSU, YOW-ROW
Moving on to the sixth game in the series: Deception IV: The Nightmare Princess. Yes, I still have the numbers correct, please continue not worrying about it. Although this is really an expanded version of Deception IV: Blood Ties with a new playable character and mode, which is why they kept the number IV in the title in the localized version. It has all the music from the original game, a healthy selection of reused tracks from past games (included in medley tracks on the soundtrack, tracks 8~10), seven new BGM tracks (1~7), and a new theme song. Theoretically there might be more than seven new tracks, but if so they’re buried in between the reused songs in the game files, and doing a comprehensive series comparison to figure out what’s from where is well beyond the effort I want to spend on this, so we’ll just assume the game has exactly seven new tracks and if you fact check me on this I’ll kill you.
The new songs are similar to the music from the base game in terms of composition and instrumentation except a little bit more electronic on average, though seven tracks isn’t a whole lot so it’s hard to tell if that was intentional music direction or just an artifact of a small sample size. There are a couple of unhinged pieces again, though fully electronic this time instead of orchestral hybrid, and another ambient piece which is also unhinged, meaning this expansion set of music is mathematically better than the base soundtrack because it’s a whole 43% unhinged. I’m inclined to believe these wacky tracks are Yoshida based on him doing the wacky ones in the original, but whoever did them: they should do more like this because they’re great.
Recommended tracks:
“LAST NIGHTMARE” (Toyoda?) has electric guitar and is in 3/4 so I assume it’s one of Toyoda’s; I like the chords in this more than her tracks in Blood Ties, particularly at 1:44
“HALL OF TORMENT” (Yoshida?) builds up to a big clanging mess at 1:58
“BLOODY COMA” (Yoshida?) makes spooky hospital noises at you to make you feel like you’re dying
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