Game info: website
Listening: Bandcamp (with music info)
A new roguelike just game out in the Aether universe, so you know what that means! Actually I don’t know much about the Aether games so I don’t really know what that means, though I watched a friend stream a bunch of this game and apparently one facet of that is unnecessarily hot furry characters. Or maybe necessarily hot, depending on your perspective. Anyway.
The soundtrack is some authentic PC-88/98 (YM2608) music by RESOFORCE and flashygoodness. Annoyingly, RESOFORCE doesn’t give composer/arranger breakdowns for their soundtracks, and I don’t know enough about the staff involved to make guesses about who did what. But they made some good tunes! FM fantasy world chiptunes with healthy jazz/funk, dance music, and prog influences, a classic video game mix. The music is actually really similar to virt’s soundtrack for Shovel Knight Dig; if you showed me some of the tracks and told me that virt wrote them, I’d probably have believed you if I didn’t already know who did them.
Recommended tracks:
“First Quarry ~ Area 1” is a chill intro area theme with cool mechanical percussion in the intro
“Aquatic Paradise ~ Area 2” is a dance/funk hybrid with a nice wind lead
“Maelstrom Miner” is a symphonic prog boss theme
“Parallel Corridor (YM2608 ver.)” is an extended version of a track from a previous game, Creatures of Aether, with some crisper sound programming (or maybe it was just recorded more cleanly)
“Eternal Familiar” is a symphonic prog boss theme, wait I’ve already used that comment, well this one is a lot heavier & spookier than the other one
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