Here’s a recent instrumental library demo track by prog metal composer Hozo Okazaki. Once upon a time years ago he did audio for video games by ZOOM alongside incredibly cool fusiony composer Akihito Okawa, and after Okawa founded Prominy to make virtual instrument libraries, Okazaki writes demo tracks for the company. He releases his demo tracks on Bandcamp and all the other usual places you’d probably go to to purchase or listen to music online, along with some other music sometimes.
This demo uses all three of Prominy’s electric guitar libraries: all of the lead and rhythm guitars are V-METAL, with a little bit of SC Electric Guitar 2 for strummed chords (notably at 3:11), and the bass is SR5 Rock Bass 2. Prominy just uploaded a video of the demo a couple of days ago showing the fretboard views for each of the guitar parts, so you can see how they’re all played:
I love Okawa as a composer and he’s the reason that I listen to Prominy demo tracks, not Okazaki, but this one kicked my ass with uplifting good feelings when I heard it; it’s probably my favorite piece of music by Okazaki now. The synth work is pretty cute, and I love both the occasional missing beats and the chords in the section starting at 2:59.
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